📢Two cool career opportunities + two upcoming Clubhouse talks!
Join us tomorrow (Feb 9th) at 12pm on Clubhouse!
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This is just a quick note between newsletters to invite you to another couple of talks I’m taking part in on Clubhouse Tuesday (Feb 9) and Wednesday (Feb 10) this week. I also wanted to share two exciting job opportunities with a couple of really impactful organizations.
Last week’s inaugural Clubhouse chat was awesome! I was stoked that we had such an amazing line up of speakers including Rehana Nathoo (Spectrum Impact), Lindsay Wallace (Limestone Analytics), Julia Sherbakov (Impact Journey), Jessica Marati Radparvar (Reconsidered), and Brigitte Small (Entrepreneur for Good). We discussed the opportunities and challenges at the intersection of purpose and profit.
We had so much fun that we’re going to make it a regular weekly discussion every Tuesday at 12pm ET | 9am PT | 6pm CET on 👋Clubhouse.
Our next session is tomorrow (Tue Feb 9)!! We’ll be hosting a discussion with Pamela Kerpius who runs Migrants of the Mediterranean; a non-profit that gives voice to the people in the migrant community in Italy and the EU through Humanitarian Storytelling.
Clubhouse is by invitation only still and is only available on iPhone or iPad. Any subscribers who want to join the conversation but need an invite, email me and I’ll see what I can do to find you an invite.
The second conversation (Wed Feb 10 at 1pm ET) I’m taking part in is part of the Wisdom Exchange series with host Richard Kappel. We’ll be chatting about the challenges and opportunities within impact investing across the globe. I’ll be joined by Nuno Brito (Founder of GoParity Impact Investing), Kim Anderson (Founder Everhope Capital), and Michael Healy (Cofounder of Unit.Ventures UK).
Career Opportunities
Two really great organizations are hiring right now. You can view other job openings on the Career Opportunities section of my website. I’m not sure I’ll continue to maintain a page on my site dedicated to this (not sure I’ll have the bandwidth). I’d love to hear from you whether you find this valuable and think I should keep up the effort. Either way, I do my best to share in a quick email like this when I come across cool opportunities like the two below.
(Toronto, Ontario) Social Capital Partners is hiring an Associate / Senior Associate to join their team in Toronto to help scale up their work on Employee-Leveraged Buyouts. We discuss this brilliant innovation in my interview with Jon Shell in episode 25 of the podcast. The right candidate ideally has at least a couple of years of experience working in private equity, venture capital, or at a pension fund or consulting company. They would lead due diligence on projects and help unearth new opportunities. Having strong financial modelling skills is required.
(Toronto but open to remote) Common Wealth Retirement is hiring a Retirement Success Manager in Toronto, Ontario. The organization is working on disrupting the pension industry in Canada and solving some of the significant roadblocks that prevent more Canadians from participating in and maximizing the value of their pension/retirement savings. This person will help the organization with retirement education, providing individual guidance and coaching to plan members on retirement savings and planning issues and help provide client service to their members to help them get the most of the CWR platform.
Hope to catch you all on Clubhouse for our chat tomorrow!